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Intro to Sales & Marketing for Ecommerce Store Owners
PART 1 - Problem, cascade of consequences, and possibility (good return of your investment)
Intro to the course: What you'll learn
Problem - if you move something - does it give you a result? How do things connect together?
PART 2 - The Complete Digital Marketing Guide
Intro to Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing
Where are you selling? - Ecommerce ecosystem or sales process landing pages, channels, checkout, upsell, strategy sessions, social media
Who are you selling to - Understanding your customer
Who is your customer? (Copy of Branding Questionnaire & Vince Questionnaire) (this can be turned into a deliverable material)
When? (how many times?)
To consider - How to use Branding to Convert More Sales (Lightbulb)
Branding Strategy
Thinking Long Term
Telling Your Story or Sharing Your Mission
Your Voice and How it Connects with your Audience
PART 3 - Digital Sales and Funnel Theory
What are you selling?
When are you selling?
3 elements of advertising
Running ads
Landing Pages
Getting the math right
Low Budget traffic driving
Types of ads
Online presence
First time company vs established business
Content that connects with your customers
Checklist to start advertising
How to hire for ads
Where to hire?
Filter words
Estimate your budget
Write the job description
Select questions for them to answer prior the interview
Consider KPI’s and how to make sure they deliver
Filtering your proposals
Reaching out to candidates
Moving on to another person if necessary
Your ad expert should help you understand
Consider the costs on your workforce vs how much will your items cost
Top of the Funnel
Mid of Funnel
Bottom of the Funnel
How to know your ads are working
Introducing the Marketing Template Report Template
Streamline your timeframes
Adding a new week
Overalls and testing new platforms
Tracking, tracking, tracking…
What could be affecting my conversions?
Remarketing - Email Campaigns
Trust and benefits of ecommerce
Shipping in ecommerce
Do they trust you?
Trust in reviews, trust in community
Get your shit stuff together!
Optimize and show
What could be affecting my conversions?
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